Largest Autonomous Electric Drone Currently Operating, Soon Operational in Brazil!

Micaelis is pleased to announce that the first manufacturer of highly autonomous large-scale #eVTOL for sightseeing tours will soon be able to operate with zero-emission crop spraying and cargo transportation missions in the rural areas of #Brazil.

This highly automated hashtag#eHang 216 eVTOL for zero-emission spraying with a maximum gross weight of 600 kg, as well as a highly automated unmanned aircraft system (UAS), is the largest eVTOL that has received partial authorization from CCAA for rural operation.

MICAELIS, in conjunction with an innovative agricultural organization, will develop a spraying kit and adapt the EH216 to start commercial operations after a testing period, bringing unparalleled safety, environmental, and economic benefits to Brazilian farmers and, therefore, to the general public. The first benefit will be safety, avoiding aerial accidents linked to agricultural operations. It is equipped with autonomous technology to enable larger and more advanced agricultural operations, which will save precious and valuable lives and promote Brazilian leadership in the global agricultural market.

With access to the largest autonomous drone on the market for agriculture, equipped with highly automated fully electric aerial application technology, Brazilian farmers and neighboring agricultural communities will benefit from a safer alternative to piloted spray aircraft, increased spraying precision, reduced costs of chemical usage, minimized environmental impact, and a more productive tool than current smaller drones.

The EH216 is the largest and most productive agricultural spraying drone in the world, capable of carrying up to 250 kg of liquid and spraying up to 60 hectares per hour.

MICAELIS is more than excited to bring to the market an essential tool to protect crops, releasing cost savings for producers and reducing the environmental impact of farmers, while preparing for eventual expansion to unmanned cargo operations throughout the country.


Innovation in the Fields: The Rise of eVTOL Drones in Brazilian Agriculture